Clothing should not cause restriction when training and particularly should not extend past the ankles or wrists so that fingers and toes are not caught up in them, which could result in injury.

Jewellery must not be worn as it may be broken or could cause injury. (If you can not remove wedding rings or earrings, they must have tape covering them)

Nails should be kept short so as not to cause injury to the student or their opponent.

The training uniform you will see people wearing is called a ‘gi’ and the belt is known as an ‘obi’. Belt colours change with experience and on completion of a grading test which will typically take place every three months with regular training and practice.


Students are requested to observe the following rules of etiquette:

  • Members should rei (bow) at the door when entering or leaving the dojo (literally ‘place of the way’ or the training hall). This is to show respect to yourself and to your training partners.

  • All members should rei to their training partner before and after one to one training or sparring.

  • If you are late to a session, you should rei to come in and then when you are ready to join the class i.e. when warmed up sufficiently you should kneel by the door or side of the Dojo, where you can be seen, then, when requested by the sensei (teacher). Rei and enter the class. Once the sensei has asked you to join in, you must join the line by going round the back of the line up, and rei towards the student on your right before joining in with the class.